Get Involved
Welcome to mentorship reimagined, join the wellbeing movement for youth.
Donations your way! Financial donations of any increment. Also, donate your talent and time if you are a health or wellbeing profession, a web designer, or a technical professional.
Partner ships your way! Foster care agencies, city youth programs, churches, foundations, companies, wellness companies, sponsor events, sponsor a child or 2 or 100.
Mentor your way! In the city of Denver, Dallas and Phoenix, we are looking for direct mentors for local children. Cities across the US we are looking for virtual mentors.
Refer your way! Refer a youth to a direct one-to-one program or virtual program. Refer donors, partners, mentors, board members, wellness and health professions.
The Wellbeing Movement
Leave your details and one of our staff members will contact you about how you can join the wellbeing movement.